[Y_THO] Why Am I Playing This Game?

But look at how bad these players are, and try not to smile.


We don't really like this game, but we continue to play it. It has it's problems, but through one way or another, we have invested too much into it, and now we are just fueled by this never ending sunken cost fallacy.

That being said, in the right circumstances, with the right people, in the right tank, this game can shine more than any other. We stick around for these moments, albeit rare.

We made this clan because we were tired of having to play with a bunch of stuck up, power hungry, paramilitary wannabes. We just want a bunch of friends and LiKeMiNdEd InDiViDuAlS to play the game with, no drama.

Clearly, we are just casual players, so we can't promise clan wars or strongholds, but if we get enough people, who knows.

We welcome people who just wanna chill and play. We don't use teamspeak because we aren't dinosaurs. Discord is where it's at. Please be at least 18 if you do consider joining, and speak English. If you wanna hang out, do drop us a line and maybe we can vibe.

Статистика клана

Број чланова: 4

Ø WN81633,58
Просечан број победа53,95%

Чланови клана

#Име играча30D WN830D BattlesWN8Просечан број победаБиткеПоследњи пут био у борбиПозицијаПридружио се
1Marcin9520020,0001968,7954,84%13381Заменик командира

Статистика чарки

#Име играча7D Battles30D Battles

Историја клана

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