[WOTI-] World of Tanks International

Citius Altius Fortius


You can apply directly or talk ingame to IbianPahiva or VRRodri.

Requirements: (Not mandatory, all applications will be analised)

Speak English

Produce 1000 Industrial Resources individually per week

Win Rate 50% +
Wn8 Overall 1300+
Personal Rating 6000+

Preferential Tanks:

Heavy Tanks: Obj. 279e, Obj. 260, T96/4201 Chieftain, Obj. 277, S. Conqueror, WZ-111 5A

Medium Tanks: Obj. 907, Obj. 140, Obj. 430U, Bat.-Chat25t

Light Tanks: Panhard EBR 105, T-100 LT

Tank Destroyers: STRV 103B, Obj. 268 v4, T110E3(4)

SPG's: Conqueror GC, GW E 100, T92 HMC, Obj. 261

Tank List will be updated to current Meta whenever needed.

Статистика клана

Број чланова: 2

Ø WN81916,46
Просечан број победа53,86%

Чланови клана

Статистика чарки


Историја клана

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