[WDGAM] White Dragon Gaming

If You Play, Then You Can Stay!!


Hello, and thank you for considering our clan. We're excited to have the opportunity to share with you what makes us such a great group of gamers.

First and foremost, we're a no-drama clan. That means you won't have to deal with any of the negativity or toxicity that can sometimes comes with playing with other clans. We all play for fun, and we want you to have fun with us too.

We've had many members who have been in clans before, but they've found a home with us because of the safe and tranquil environment we offer. We want to make sure that everyone feels comfortable and welcome to play with us, regardless of their skill level or experience. However, we ask that you have completed at least 500 battles before you apply.

We're all about having a good time without the pressure to achieve.
So, if you're looking for a fun, drama-free clan where you can chat, relax and enjoy then join us at White Dragon Gaming.
Check out our YouTube Channel @JustPuffy
and see the fun we have.!!

Статистика клана

Број чланова: 38

Ø WN8894,97
Просечан број победа48,17%

Чланови клана

#Име играча30D WN830D BattlesWN8Просечан број победаБиткеПоследњи пут био у борбиПозицијаПридружио се
1TheBaldCommander1533,831332199,6455,63%320Заменик командира
3hatoss3188,541021797,3651,57%10681Млађи официр
4Greni2121784,831871578,2052,58%52424Заменик командира
5Xinlyx1634,00831481,6449,65%9305Заменик командира
6Mort30123947,68101404,9251,90%38431Заменик командира
7BibleJohn1369,134691366,0449,85%15899Заменик командира
8KosaJ191922,361441161,0648,90%9738Заменик командира
9The_7381404,676951066,3548,21%6258Млађи официр
10debafer1016,276611030,1549,20%28659Млађи официр
11QueenofHeartz541,14151011,5448,64%36053Заменик командира
12AdrianHG151020,1562982,4848,05%5835Млађи официр
14kroest1867,1575938,6247,55%6990Млађи официр
15Lavtemice1211,39125929,1247,03%7810Млађи официр
16Kellys_Oddball716,05230913,4548,37%41208Млађи официр
17bubix991127,98752897,3948,09%67391Млађи официр
18SenpaiKun942,51477894,1348,13%28216Млађи официр
19Ineptus_Mechanicus679,05252886,6948,53%10934Заменик командира
21vett851045,47418824,1248,00%32858Млађи официр
22stormbringer_1_7115,1015806,0047,99%15767Млађи официр
23Muiks_885,14315788,9647,91%46337Млађи официр
25TheGroen901,2268769,3648,27%21605Заменик командира
27JarzynaCN949,59445722,9246,33%19058Заменик командира
28Puffy_Pendragon688,12174665,3346,67%57952Заменик командира
29KING_ROMANSI817,5829649,9445,54%32714Заменик командира
30jagodzianka95236,3268576,5945,98%10554Млађи официр
31fumblefox631,06195523,1446,98%24017Заменик командира
32KampfKarotte_defender571,89129487,9044,83%1479Млађи официр
33Rino112DK874,77296484,3646,30%9096Заменик командира
34merkavalover461,02421474,7445,86%40259Млађи официр
36FeldMarshallVonBonkers530,8058440,6545,54%1693Заменик командира
37kevinMc771491,905395,2045,58%10409Заменик командира
38kapello5428,55628390,8645,45%32827Млађи официр

Историја клана

Име играчаПроменаДатум
Hoolicool_WKSПридружио се
TheBaldCommanderПридружио се
KampfKarotte_defenderПридружио се
Puffy_The_Magic_DragonПридружио се