[UMTSW] Ubermacht South West

We don't need luck, we have ammo!


We are an English competitive but fun clan set up by a small group of friends. We aim to have friendly atmosphere where players can improve their skill. We encourage players to improve and they are welcome to try field commanding or other clan roles.

We wish to regularly platoon and participate in Strongholds. When we have sufficient tier 10 tanks we will participate in clan wars.

We require you to have TeamSpeak 3 and at least 1 non-premium tier 8 tank, ideally an IS3, T32, AMX 50 100 or AMX 13 90 (the ‘competitive’ tier 8 tanks). We are an English speaking clan, we welcome any nationalities but you have to speak English.

We would prefer you to be fairly active and attend our events. We realise you have a real life so if you can't attend we are fine with that as long as you contact the commanders.

We also have a youtube channel to showcase some of the fun and games that we have in the clan: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC6NB7eNEiFIlpwNpFzj2wGQ

Статистика клана

Број чланова: 6

Ø WN81240,54
Просечан број победа50,24%

Чланови клана

Статистика чарки


Историја клана

Име играчаПроменаДатум