[SPADE] The Ace of Spade

Combattre, Vaincre ou Mourir ("Fight, Overcome or Die")


I created this clan to get the free clan style. If you want the free clan style you can join the clan. You will be most welcomed.

If you want to go further, you can play skirmishes, etc... but I will need someone to manage the clan.

Looking for Clan Members (Speaking or Understanding both English and French if possible):

1. Executive Officer
2. Personnel Officer
3. Combat Officer
4. Intelligence Officer
5. Recruitment Officer
6. Private

You will be assigned one of this position depending on your skills and gameplay and also the one that suits you if you are capable of managing the clan.

Thank You Very Much.

Статистика клана

Број чланова: 2

Ø WN81071,16
Просечан број победа49,88%

Чланови клана

#Име играча30D WN830D BattlesWN8Просечан број победаБиткеПоследњи пут био у борбиПозицијаПридружио се
2Duke_Nukem_20130,00052,8343,55%10032Млађи официр

Статистика чарки

#Име играча7D Battles30D Battles

Историја клана

Име играчаПроменаДатум