[R0VIP] RomanianVIP

We fight,we don't surrender!!!


Romanian VIP - We are a group of respectful quality players with emphasis on team battle.
We appreciate: - Respect, Collegiality, Seriousness, Stimulating Atmosphere, Humor and good will; taking part in team battles, TS 3 presence, performance and involvement.
We develop: - Strategies and tactics for CW and SH battles.
We evaluate: -Based of general involvement and participation in CW and SH campaigns.

Mandatory conditions to be part of our group :
- Minimum Age 18
- V n 8 - 1000 + overall / 1200 + recent
- Presence on Ts 3 when playing, after 19:00 mandatory.
- Respect and decency with clan members
- Specific Tanks in garage for CW and SH
- Participation in CW and SH battles when online

If you are interested to join our clan, apply and we will analyze your profile. You will have the chance to become a member of our clan if you meet our requirements.

Статистика клана

Број чланова: 3

Ø WN81348,86
Просечан број победа50,06%

Чланови клана

#Име играча30D WN830D BattlesWN8Просечан број победаБиткеПоследњи пут био у борбиПозицијаПридружио се
2andreixact884,55711297,9550,07%28967Заменик командира
3KeidyMalcolm1079,813741151,0649,01%34660Заменик командира

Статистика чарки

#Име играча7D Battles30D Battles

Историја клана

Име играчаПроменаДатум