[QNS] QuarterNinjas

QuarterNinjas Forever


Just a QuarterNinjas! If you play game in the time zone that is not Euro like me in UTC+8 than this is the clan for you. Seems there are no clans to cater for people from different time zones, specifically UTC+8. There are no requirements, except that it would be preferable if you play actively in UTC+8, plus minus couple of hours.

If we can start this up, have few active members in this time zone we could also start upgrading stronghold and running boosters for people who usually cannot get that benefit. Recruitment is open, feel free to join and have fun. No obligations but being in a clan brings a benefit or two especially now with the Tour of Duty, so why the heck not to join.

When you join poke me in the game, so we can platoon up and have some fun.

Статистика клана

Број чланова: 2

Ø WN8602,13
Просечан број победа48,67%

Чланови клана

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