[MRPH] MrPanda HUN

There are no expectations. This clan gives everyone a free path. Everyone does what they want.


However, wargaming closes off all avenues for players and focuses on one point to take it out as much money as possible from players' money trays. I draw the attention of all players. Nobody should spend money on the game, it's not worth it. This game is just a waste of money. You get nothing good in return. Only brain dead teams, crap matchmaking, crap RNG. Because there is no gaming experience in this game. The gaming experience is equal to zero. Everyone can continue to play the game without wasting money. This is the best way I can recommend for everyone.

Статистика клана

Број чланова: 1

Ø WN81788,58
Просечан број победа51,03%

Чланови клана

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#Име играча7D Battles30D Battles

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