- Just a loose coupled bunch having fun.
- Anyone eligible for membership preferably is 50+ or approaching, has a sense of humor befitting of today's crazy world, like music from the 1980ies and is not overly fanatical.
- All sexes, genders, beliefs and political convictions are welcome, even exchange of arguments and ideas, but preaching will not be tolerated.
- We do appreciate comradeship and good manners, not only among ourselves but also to fellow players in WoT. We rather give compliments than toxic remarks... though as grumpy old (wo)men we can get sour too.
- Players of all tiers are welcome, but the current playerbase prefers tier 6 and upward. We do occasionally endulge in lower tiers.
- We do not have a tight schedule, playing is anything but compulsory, though we love it when we see yyou online.
- We use Discord as our means of online communication. It's important to install Discord and participate in the server.
Th..th.. that's all folks :)