This a tournament clan. Skirmishes (both Bravo and alpha), Weekday Warefare, Stand-to's, WGLNA, you name it, I'm up for it and I want to create a clan of other people who are. I'm certainly interested in callers though as I'm a terrible one but will do my best to lead my teams to victory.
Clan Wars: Polls will be taken infrequently to see if members are even interested in clan wars. Regardless of whether we're actively participating in clan wars or not, participation in it will not be require.
Stronghold: I'm a fan of the mode and will do my best to be democratic about the use of reserves, timing it as best as I can to get as many members as possible and setting up/stocking buildings to the members desire.
Requirements: None at the moments but some will be made as the clan gets full. Namely tournament participation but more may come. Month notice will be given before kicking.
Include weekly schedule in application. If irregular, say so but provide most accurate.