T_K_O has been alive for over 6 years. We are predominantly 18+ with a few exceptions made for mature player.
?Assist development of potential, enjoy and excel at WoT in both individual combat & in Clan Wars.
?We are interested in quality over quantity and getting to know our members as friends and comrades.
?Expected to understand our rules, uphold clan standards in ability, competence and conduct.
?Keep ego and attitude in check
?Discord https://discord.gg/qs3GGGbTCY
Membership Recommendations
2000 60 day WN8
2000 DPG @ Tier 10
5 CW Tier 10
Mic and voice to use it
Evaluations are part of the recruitment process
Previous CW or League experience is an asset
Please contact CyberSquat regarding recruitment, or any questions. ?