[RRU] ReRolls United

What's wrong with rerolling?


Welcome to RRU!
First thing out of the way...you don't have to be a reroll to join this clan, but we do accept rerolls as long as they fit the requirements.

Anyone who can provide us with a ts3 and give permissions to the right people will immediately become any rank of the persons choice OTHER than commander

Here are the requirements:
Must be on 3 nights a week
Must have a mic/ears
Must have at least 1 tier 6 strongholds tank (Croms, mt25s, 12ts, and 64s are the best as we will be doing fast teams with 1 heavy tank)

Stat requirements (exceptions can be made):
1200+ overall
52% overall
54% recent
1600+ recent

We like to have fun and platoon, for more info on joining contact me or French_Arty_Master

Have fun!
Cren, commander of RRU

Статистика клана

Број чланова: 1

Ø WN80,00
Просечан број победа0,00%

Чланови клана

#Име играча30D WN830D BattlesWN8Просечан број победаБиткеПоследњи пут био у борбиПозицијаПридружио се

Статистика чарки

#Име играча7D Battles30D Battles

Историја клана

Име играчаПроменаДатум