Welcome to Rel-S; (We will always be Second Spearhead Squadron). We are the same rough and rowdy clan, but now part of the Relic Community.
We are always seeking gamers who:
- Are willing to learn how to play more and more, and co-operate with callers by focusing on the battlefield.
- Have a good sense of humor and be sociable enough to enjoy their time with the crowd.
- Avoid drama and toxicity at all costs.
- Can be on at least 3 nights a week.
What do we offer players?
- Advances Every Day
- Clan Boosters every day
- Gold season participation (Global map)
- Platoons and super drops in frontline game mode
TeamSpeak 3 and mandatory TeamSpeak 3 usage during Advance hours, 17:00-21:00 hrs PST, 20:00-00:00 EST
3 Competitive Tier 10; 260, 279e, 60tp, BZ-75, is7, 277, CS-63
A recent DPG of 1500 in meta tier X tanks
A Recent WN8 of 1200