Want to have fun playing WOT again? We have a plan! Join the PHONX CLAN and you will find your sense of purpose again while playing the game you love....and we have 600+ tier 10 credit boost popped more than 3 times a day with lots of XP boost to grind all your lovely tanks.
Discord: https://discord.gg/A6c22qBb
1. Have a competitive mindset and a drive to improve.
2. Minimum Recent WN8 of (Flexible) 1600+ min. 3 meta tier 10 tanks (Chieftain, SConq, 907, CS63, E100, STB1, Object 279e, Leo1, EBR 105, T110E3, etc) must have blue recents in tier 10s!
3. Tier play average of 7+ in last 1,000 battles
4. TeamSpeak is required
5. Understand English
6. Auto join if you have a Phonix!
Recruitment Msg: an XO/PO
Diplomacy Msg: THE_WAR_MACHINE