[HARSH] The UniFur Shroud

Trust is everything, don't trust anyone who won't be HARSH with you.


And like a mist, all things embraced by it were rejuvenated. But from the unseen edges, lies HARSH, waiting for you to slip and lose grip, so that you may be drug down to the depths for our betterment... for the betterment of the herd.

HARSH will be primarily a Social, Platooning, Stronghold, and Tournament clan.
Stat requirements will be scaling upwards as time goes,
But as a baseline,
1250Wn8 Overall

2000Wn8 Recent

4000 Games

Tier 6 minimum

Tier 8 Prem

And driven to get at least two different tier 10's.

Attendance, at least 5 days a week, be social within the clan
At least 3 days a week platooning.

Comms are Skype for now, Teamspeak and more will come with time, and demand.

Статистика клана

Број чланова: 1

Ø WN81226,79
Просечан број победа48,53%

Чланови клана

#Име играча30D WN830D BattlesWN8Просечан број победаБиткеПоследњи пут био у борбиПозицијаПридружио се

Статистика чарки

#Име играча7D Battles30D Battles

Историја клана

Име играчаПроменаДатум