[DESOL] Desolation

Determined to get Explosive to be Super Overbearing and Lethal TEAM


A clan created with the focus of teamwork and success. We play tiers 5+ however enjoy 8-10 the most. We have strong interests in Clan Wars, Tournaments for Gold, Strongholds, and Skirmishes. We are very platoon friendly and encourage interested players to platoon with us!

Applications are handled and considered on an individual basis.

If you're interested, feel free to message PlutoniumX to discuss possible recruitment.

Have at least a tier 6 tank or higher as well

Статистика клана

Број чланова: 9

Ø WN81282,24
Просечан број победа49,77%

Чланови клана

Статистика чарки


Историја клана

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