[3DM] 3 Drink Minimum

A CLAN built on a solid foundation of friends and shenanigans.


A Casual clan that is all about platooning and skirmishing.
Stressing playing together and having fun.
Teamspeak is required.
There is no time requirement but participation with the team is required either by platoons or skirmishes.
Being mature and respectful of others is a clan requirement.
Minimum win rate requirement is 47%.
* Preference given to Players with teir 8 and 10 tanks. but minimum requirement is to have a useful tank for teir 6 skirmishes.

Статистика клана

Број чланова: 8

Ø WN81182,60
Просечан број победа49,70%

Чланови клана

Статистика чарки


Историја клана

Име играчаПроменаДатум